Monday, September 20, 2010

Our view of the world is what thy makes change the world thy must change thy's view of the world....only then can thy help thyself and man kind....and the same is true for thy personal life. Do not look to what others have done but to what thy has done.

Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

To Bring Change

Look into thy reflection...'tis the only one thee can change, and the only one thou should try to change.

I wish this meeting had ended in a happier way...but, until we meet again
Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again.


Friday, August 20, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Time of Thought

The power of a witch comes with guidance from the other side...she feels this knowledge through her thoughts and actions. Everything she does is a form of magic. But to make the magic work she must be at one with the Earth, be at one with both realities of our world, and she must LOVE LIFE AND LOVE BEING ALIVE.

A witch might be a loner but she is never alone...she has her inner happiness, her herbs, her spells, all of God's creatures to love and nature to keep her company.

A witch accepts all the good and bad that occurs, because she knows the human soul is here to gain from both. So, to a real witch the world is not nor ever has been a BAD PLACE to be. She knows how to make her own world within this world we live.

A true witch is a happy person....inside and out...this is not an easy feat, it can take a life time of training or it can happen in a moment...time is only man thou decide...are thou a witch or not?

Blessed be to Happiness and the witch that lives within us all.

Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again.

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Witch

There are many who say they are a witch...but few really are. What makes a witch a witch is being able to control one's emotions. To become one with nature and to live life without judgement of it.

There are no exceptions to the one true law we real witches live by.

If the witch thou knows can't follow that ONE simple law...she is not a witch.

She is an imposer ... similar to those "Christian" that say they are "A good and honest Christain" while they stab someone they know in the back. A true Christian is too kind of heart to preform such a sin.

I do not judge these kind of souls...They are young in spirit and in time will grow. But it's best to remove thyself from their energy when possible. These types have a little knowledge and that small amount of information can be harmful, even dangerous, to those near them. So beware.

The Law cannot be bent or changed to serve thy purpose at the moment and then held fast while preaching to others...the law of a witch is one and only...."Do as thy will -- as long as it harms none".

This means in words or actions.

This is the only law of a witch. Any other laws that thou have heard as wiccan laws are man made, to structure witchery into a man made religion.

This one law is not an easy law for a mere human to live by...but once thou has mastered it...thou will be a real witch.

Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Spiritual growth is like nature

Like the four seasons...we have to find our growth from within. We have to look at our roots to discover the real cause as to way our lives are not what we want them to be...we have to be honest with ourselves to really bloom into our full blossom.

That means we have to stop looking at others to point a finger at when things are not going our way, and point it at ourself. We have answer our despair in life with a deeply searched heart and give an honest reply. Right or wrong...we have to admit we played some part in the disruption. We have to look at ourself in the mirror and ask...Would I like to live with this person I see in the mirror? Is her heart pure or does it hide hidden envy, jealousy, and hatred? Is she fun to wake up to each morning or is she a time bomb ready to go off? Is this person I see looking back at me the person I want to be?

Like the seasons...we CAN change...we Can grow...WE CAN BECOME BETTER PEOPLE.

Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Truth...but is it alway best to speak it?

I've spent many years in the study of Wicca...the only Law I was given to live by was "...Ye' harm none, do what ye' will." Sounds easy this law...but is it?

Many believe because they speak their truth, their beliefs, that it makes it so. I have learned what I speak is ONLY my truth (what I believe to be so)not the truth of the spiritual reality around me.

Many believe because they speak what is their truth it is alright to say it...but I have to the only law I was given, is it alright to voice thy truth when it brings harm?

By my belief in the one and only law I live by...the answer is simple...No.

To stand so firm on a belief that thou will purposely send harm to another under the disguise of truth, knowing thou will with purpose hurt them...I say study thy laws and beliefs again.

Those who are righteous in their truths being the only warned...thou walks a harmful path for thee. Thou is here for thou.

Do not judge another for the path they is their path, not thees. By standing in judgement thou brings only that back to thou...thee will be judged. Do not draw this to thee.

To carry old hate within the heart only brings hate to thee...let go of the hate inside is not good.

For those who hold secret jealousy in thy heart, can not thou see the harm it has brought thee? Jealousy brings anger, hate and envy. Jealousy brings a life alone.

Do not resent someone who striving to improve their life for what they feel is a better life...does thou not do the same?

My rule of thumb...if thou can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all....truth or not...thou will not bring harm, hence abiding by the law of Wicca.

Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Artorius of Avalon

Some say Artorius of Avalon was a myth. Some say he lived…there is little evidence in this man’s physical world to prove either way...unless thee lived during those times and know the physical world of yore is not the physical world we live in today.

I have a story to share with thee…’tis a myth or a tale of truth…I’ll let thou decide.

I remember well the day the druid came to me…his flamboyant and colorful clothes brighten the dark gray sky that rumbled overhead and as lightning flashed he moved silently towards me.

His aura spoke of his past; a studied druid to be sure. Knowing they harmed none, I was aware but uncaring of his business there in the woods as I continued to pick young herbs for drying.

For some time he studied me and I moved on distracted by the blessing of Brigantia when I spotted a rare mandragora root. I took little noticed of the druid as I dug the human shaped root from the hard ground…I snapped one of the tips between my teeth and was rewarded with the bitter taste on my tongue…the root was good!

It was then I noticed the druid had stopped just short of me; a silent request for my attention. I bowed my head in deference as he reached out hooking his hand under my arm.

“Nay, ‘tis I a mere Merlin who shall bow to thee,” he said as he drew me to stand before him. “I have been sent by the Twlwwyth Tegs to find thee. I have a friend. He is wounded and needs thee to heal him. Will thou come to Apple-isle with me?”

“Apple-isle is the land of Avalon; the land of the Tegs,” I said. “This is no place where humans are welcome.”

“Ah,” he said with a twinkle in his grey eyes. “But thou are a gullveig; a witch. Thou once lived in the land of Avalon. Thou has been gifted by Kalan; a Teg who loved thee once. He tells me thou can cure my friend.”

Kalan was indeed a lover of mine; long ago. It was nice to hear he still thought of me, for I still love him so. “Who is thy friend in need?” I asked, and his answer was Arth Vawr.

Aghast I said, “Arth Vawr?”

“Aye, King Author it is.” He nodded and pulled me through the forest towards the riverbed. I willingly followed. Author was a rare human indeed. The druid continued, “Author is gravely wounded and needs thy herbs to cure a mere man. Kalan cannot help with Teg herbs.”

‘Tis a day I will nay forget…the day King Author lived to become Artorius of Avalon and awaits his return to the human world.

I tell this tale because Author is a symbol of the kind of man this modern world need if it is to survive the coming changes…it will take many brave heart to help the world grow through these dark ages anon upon us. And it is up to the women to raise such men then have the strength to let them go and do what they were raised to do.

To those who say it is too late…remember, there is only one real time… druid time. This is where our true reality is spent…druid time is the time kept by our souls.

THERE IS STILL TIME to save mankind from his ignorance.
Then make the magick happen one moment at a time.

Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Welcome To The Circle

As thou can see, I am in the midst of creation...but I shall begin posting anon...

Merry Meet, Merry Part and Merry Meet Again.