Monday, July 12, 2010

The Witch

There are many who say they are a witch...but few really are. What makes a witch a witch is being able to control one's emotions. To become one with nature and to live life without judgement of it.

There are no exceptions to the one true law we real witches live by.

If the witch thou knows can't follow that ONE simple law...she is not a witch.

She is an imposer ... similar to those "Christian" that say they are "A good and honest Christain" while they stab someone they know in the back. A true Christian is too kind of heart to preform such a sin.

I do not judge these kind of souls...They are young in spirit and in time will grow. But it's best to remove thyself from their energy when possible. These types have a little knowledge and that small amount of information can be harmful, even dangerous, to those near them. So beware.

The Law cannot be bent or changed to serve thy purpose at the moment and then held fast while preaching to others...the law of a witch is one and only...."Do as thy will -- as long as it harms none".

This means in words or actions.

This is the only law of a witch. Any other laws that thou have heard as wiccan laws are man made, to structure witchery into a man made religion.

This one law is not an easy law for a mere human to live by...but once thou has mastered it...thou will be a real witch.

Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again.