Friday, June 11, 2010

Truth...but is it alway best to speak it?

I've spent many years in the study of Wicca...the only Law I was given to live by was "...Ye' harm none, do what ye' will." Sounds easy this law...but is it?

Many believe because they speak their truth, their beliefs, that it makes it so. I have learned what I speak is ONLY my truth (what I believe to be so)not the truth of the spiritual reality around me.

Many believe because they speak what is their truth it is alright to say it...but I have to the only law I was given, is it alright to voice thy truth when it brings harm?

By my belief in the one and only law I live by...the answer is simple...No.

To stand so firm on a belief that thou will purposely send harm to another under the disguise of truth, knowing thou will with purpose hurt them...I say study thy laws and beliefs again.

Those who are righteous in their truths being the only warned...thou walks a harmful path for thee. Thou is here for thou.

Do not judge another for the path they is their path, not thees. By standing in judgement thou brings only that back to thou...thee will be judged. Do not draw this to thee.

To carry old hate within the heart only brings hate to thee...let go of the hate inside is not good.

For those who hold secret jealousy in thy heart, can not thou see the harm it has brought thee? Jealousy brings anger, hate and envy. Jealousy brings a life alone.

Do not resent someone who striving to improve their life for what they feel is a better life...does thou not do the same?

My rule of thumb...if thou can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all....truth or not...thou will not bring harm, hence abiding by the law of Wicca.

Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again.

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